Online poker training sites have exploded over the last few years. What was once a cottage industry of a few online training sites is now a multi-plex industry. With thousands of new trainings released every few months, it can be hard to choose the best in the industry. With so many options to choose from, which is the best poker training site going to give you the training you need?

There are a few main factors to consider. slot 138 rtp What type of poker training site are they using? Do they have a good reputation with the poker community? How long have they been in business? How much do they charge? What are their fees? Do you have to have some prior poker experience in order to earn a commission or a bonus? Are they using a different name to make it harder for you to find the site? At some sites you can’t even find the game options.

Even the best poker training sites can be handicapped in one way or another. The best sites are not new, they have been around for years. They have a good reputation and charge a fair amount for the privilege of coaching someone. A good site can also offer a lot of additional training and options besides poker. A good site is also willing to spend some money on bonuses, depending on the players that their site has.

There are also a few poker training sites that offer a lot of additional options you can pay for such as 24 hour technical support, the ability to watch live poker training videos, and the ability to participate in poker forums. Do not automatically rule out a poker training site based on the cost, sound reputation, and extra features if you like the site.

Below I listed some of the main things you should consider when deciding whichpoker training siteis right for you.

First off, look at what is being offered.How long is the training program? Normally a longer program is better with some really good training sites offering a intense two day training program.

Do you have to be a certain age to participate in the training? Most of these sites ask that you be at least 18 years old to enter the training, but nothing to make you feel younger.

What is the focus of the training? Most sites are very general. They teach you how to play any poker game, any where, any time, with the occasional mention of the rules of some poker games (most often Texas Hold’em and possibly Omaha too).

Some sites talk about strategy, but quickly get into hands too. Approach these training sites with a fresh, non- recommitment mind.

Look for a site that is constantly adding new training videos.

Take advantage of bonuses offered for members of that site, as most sites rate their video training programs. Good sites will also reward their members with statistical promotions and prizes, such as free testing or automated tournaments.

The videos from these sites are generally good, but what you really want to look at is what you get with the bonus. Any training site worth its salt will offer you a package including not only the training videos, but also some of the tools that the site designed to help you improve your game. This is nearly the same with software programs, although you may have to purchase your training or subscription elsewhere.

Lastly, the enrolled members of these sites have nothing to lose. Because of the way these sitesoupdate their videos, they have high def creation tools that are free to use during class time.

Classroom Success is a poker training site, and they offer a class in videos for $ communismander and poker forum.